(3) CARBACHOL (Carbamylcholine ) • Carbachol is is an ester of carbamic acid and poor substrate for AChEsterase. It is biotransformed by other esters at very slow rate. • Carbachol has both Muscarinic and Nicotinic actions. Functions (i) Actions : • Carbachol has profound effects on both Cardiovascular system and GI system. • It has ganglion stimulating activity and it may first stimulate and then depress these systems. • It can cause release of epinephrine from adrenal medulla by its nicotinic functions. On Eye : • It cause miosis • It cause spasm of accomodatiom in which the ciliary muscle of the eye remains in a constant state of contraction. • Carbachol is also used to stimulate micturation by contraction of detrusor muscle. (ii) Therapeutic uses : • Carbachol has high potency, receptor non-selectivity and relatively long duration of acti...